Xi Cheng's Biography 【中文版】
I joined Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications (NUJPT) in 2023
From 2021.11-2022.11, I worked as a Research Assitant for Prof. Siu Wan-Chi in the Department of Electronic and Information Engineering(EIE)at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
I received my Ph.D. study at Nanjing University of Science and Technology
I'm the reviewer of journals or international conferences such as Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, IEEE Access, IEEE Trans on Image Processing, Measurement, Pattern Recognition, Smart Agricultural Technology, Scientific Reports, Multimedia Systems
I was the PC Member of ICANN 2022&2023
My Research
Google Research:Link
Github: Link
Research Interest
- Deep Learning
- Low-Level Computer Vision & Image Processing (Super Resolution, Image Demoireing)
- Generative models (StyleGAN, Diffusion models)
MoePhoto Toolbox [Github]
Image Hiding and Restoration Via Deep Moiré Networks, X Cheng, Z Fu. [IEEE Signal Processing Letters 2024]
Edge fusion back projection GAN for large scale face super resolution, X Cheng, WC Siu, [Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 2024]
Intelligent Painter: Picture Composition With Resampling Diffusion Model, WF Ku, WC Siu, X Cheng, HA Chan. [ICIP2023]
Method for Classifying Apple Leaf Diseases Based on Dual Attention and Multi-Scale Feature Extraction, J Ding, C Zhang, X Cheng, Y Yue, G Fan, Y Wu, Y Zhang.[Agriculture]
Adaptive Multi-Spectral Encoding Network for Image Demoiréing, Q Dai, X Cheng, L Zhang, L Sun. [IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement]
Image denoising using channel attention residual enhanced Swin Transformer, Q Dai, X Cheng, L Zhang. [ Multimedia Tools and Applications]
Critical Review on DeepLearning and Smart Technologies for Image Super Resolution. Wan-Chi Siu, Xi Cheng, H. Anthony CHAN. [IEEE TENCON 2022]
Large-Scale Blind Face Super-Resolution via Edge Guided Frequency Aware Generative Facial Prior Networks. Xi Cheng, Wan-Chi Siu, Jian Yang. [APSIPA 2022]
Multi-spectral dynamic feature encoding network for image demoiréing. Qiang Dai, Xi Cheng, and Li Zhang. [ICANN 2022]
Fast and Light-Weight Network for Single Frame Structured Illumination Microscopy Super-Resolution. Xi Cheng, Jun Li, Qiang Dai, Zhenyong Fu, Jian Yang. [IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement]
Improved Multi-scale Dynamic Feature Encoding Network for Image Demoireing. Xi Cheng, Zhenyong Fu, Jian Yang. [Pattern Recognition]
Zero-Shot Image Super-Resolution with Depth Guided Internal Degradation Learning. Xi Cheng, Zhenyong Fu, Jian Yang. [ECCV2020][Poster][Code]
Agricultural Pest Super-Resolution and Identification with Attention Enhanced Residual and Dense Fusion Generative and Adversarial Network, Dai Qiang, Xi Cheng et al. [IEEE Access]
NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Image Demoireing: Methods and Results, S Yuan, R Timofte, G Slabaugh, A Leonardis, X Cheng, and others. [CVPR2020] [NTIRE Workshop]
Crop Leaf Disease Image Super-Resolution and Identification With Dual Attention and Topology Fusion Generative Adversarial Network, Dai Qiang, Xi Cheng, et al. [IEEE Access]
Multi-scale Dynamic Feature Encoding Network for Image Demoireing, Xi Cheng, Zhenyong Fu, Jian Yang. [ICCV2019][Poster][AIM Workshop][Code]
AIM 2019 Challenge on Image Demoireing: Methods and Results, S Yuan, R Timofte, G Slabaugh, A Leonardis, X Cheng, and others. [ICCV2019][AIM Workshop]
Triple Attention Mixed Link Network for Single Image Super Resolution, X Cheng, Xiang Li, Jian Yang.[Applied Sciences]
SESR: Single Image Super Resolution with Recursive Squeeze and Excitation Networks, Xi Cheng, Xiang Li, Ying Tai, Jian Yang [arixv] [ICPR2018] [Oral]
Deep Super-Resolution Network with Laplacian Pyramid for Better Agricultural Pest Surveillance and Detection, X Cheng, Y Yue, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture[Accepted][Dataset][Code]
Pest identification via deep residual learning in complex background , X Cheng, Y Zhang, Y Chen, Y Wu, Y Yue, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 141, 351-356.[Dataset]
Agricultural Pests Tracking and Identification in Video Surveillance Based on Deep Learning , X Cheng, YH Zhang, YZ Wu, Y Yue, International Conference on Intelligent Computing, 58-70 [ICIC2017]
稳健人脸感知方法在疫情人体测温系统中的应用. 钱建军, 程曦, 杨健,等. 中国科学:信息科学, 2020
基于轻量自动残差缩放网络的图像超分辨率重建 . 代强, 程曦 等. 计算机应用, 2020
深度学习在储粮害虫的特征提取与分类上的应用. 程曦, 张友华, 陈祎琼,等. 皖西学院学报, 2017(5):67-72.
基于深度卷积神经网络的储粮害虫图像识别. 程曦,吴云志,张友华,乐毅. 中国农学通报,2018,34(01):154-158.
安徽省大学生年度人物 (全省共10人)
Runner Up Award (2nd place winner) in ICCV2019 AIM Image Demoireing Competition
5th place winner in CVPR20 NTIRE Image Demoireing Competition
Work experience
中国计算机学会CCF 高校宣传员 2015-2016
PRCV 2020 大会志愿者